Creating Credential using SSMS
#InAJiffy: The CREATE CREDENTIAL statement for creating SQL Server database file on Windows Azure Storage
HDInsight: Hadoop command line
Hadoop commands can be useful to manage Windows Azure blob storage with HDInsight cluster. This "In A Jiffy" post outlines where to execute these commands.
In this "Power BI In A Jiffy" post, we take a look at Featured Reports section recently added to the Power BI site.
PASS Summit 2013 - best, sad, funniest moments and where to from now?
Expand Custom column to get DUNS Number
Combining data from Azure Market Place and local (Excel) table using Power Query.
PASS Summit 2013
As PASS Summit 2013 is just 2 weeks away, this check list should hopefully help you prepare a week (or close to it) of learning, networking and most of all FUN!
Data Mashup visualisation using Power Map (Column bar)
Using Power BI features in Excel, this article showcases D&B Data available on Azure Marketplace.
One of the most impressive new features in Office 365 is Power BI. Preview will be available later this Summer.