Make Parameter Cell in Azure Data Studio
SQL notebooks and PowerShell notebooks that we've created using Azure Data Studio, can be run on PowerShell CLI. If these notebooks can be run on PowerShell CLI, that means any automation systems or serverless architecture (Azure Automation combined with Azure Logic Apps as an example) should be able to run these notebooks also.
clear glass with red sand grainer
Latest update from Azure Data Studio team on improved Jupyter Notebook loading time in Azure Data Studio.
Automated Diagnosis Flow with Notebooks
What if you can apply software engineering practices to your troubleshooting guides (TSGs) / playbook / runbook for your team’s on-call? What if you can reduce stress and mistakes in your incident response workflow?
Notebook tip: create a relative link to another notebook easily with Insert Link button in Text Cell
There are three ways of executing parameterized notebook (from another "runner" notebook). Check out the demo files!
Executable Troubleshooting Guides with Notebooks for SQL people
Learn more about Executable Troubleshooting Guides with Notebooks for SQL people, and help raise money to provide food and necessary living items for children affected by COVID pandemic
Converting SQL scripts to Notebook is super handy for users who are trying out notebooks and […]
Example of Notebook table of contents
When writing a notebook, it can be very handy to be able to refer to a specific part to a notebook and allow the readers to jump to that part, i.e linking or anchoring. Using this technique, you can also create an index list or a table of contents or cross-referencing to parts of other notebooks too.
Learn about .net Interactive notebooks in Azure Data Studio with Rob Sewell at Data Exposed!
Azure Data Studio
Learn more about Reproducible Analysis techniques with notebooks for SQL Data Analysts.