Join me at All Day DevOps 2021 on Oct 28, 2021. Slide deck and session notes are available here!
young lady typing on keyboard of laptop in living room
I'm super excited to be speaking at SQLPort on Jul 21, 2021 at 18:15 (WEST / GMT +1) on "Incident Response with Jupyter Notebooks for the DBAs".
There are three ways of executing parameterized notebook (from another "runner" notebook). Check out the demo files!
There is an amazing line up of Women presenters and tech + professional development for the […]
Executable Troubleshooting Guides with Notebooks for SQL people
Learn more about Executable Troubleshooting Guides with Notebooks for SQL people, and help raise money to provide food and necessary living items for children affected by COVID pandemic
Check out "Notebooks 101 for SQL People" presented by Julie Koesmarno and "Azure Data Studio - Above and Beyond" presented by Warwick Rudd at Scottish Summit on 27 Feb 2021.
Attend SQL Saturday Sydney on 3 Aug 2019, to learn more about various exciting data topics, including the new Azure SQL Database Edge!
Boost Your Analytics with Machine Learning for SQL Nerds slide deck and other pointers for DBAs on performance (setup + improvement)
Q&A on Azure Data Lake Analytics and U-SQL at SQL Saturday Melbourne (Feb 11, 2017)
Use Azure Data Lake Tool in Visual Studio for developing and testing locally. Watch out for stale versions that may cause issues with creating / managing local databases,