Searching for DAX queries in SSMS Tools Pack SQL History
Some tips around learning and writing DAX Queries on SSMS.
Reviewing Composition of Data Visualisation is as much important as reviewing Objectives of the Visualisation itself. Practice makes better.
Power BI Sign Up Trial - Australia
Power BI #InAJiffy - Australians now can sign up trial and purchase Power BI on Office 365
Accessing Schedule Data Refresh
Schedule Data Refresh is a new feature in Power BI to allow users to refresh data sources in Power Pivot at a defined time or on demand.
Nokia 1020 Screenshot of Valientines Visualisation using Power VIew
Two recent blog posts from Mcirosoft exhibiting embedded interactive Data Visualisations via Power View, with anonymous access.
Creating Credential using SSMS
#InAJiffy: The CREATE CREDENTIAL statement for creating SQL Server database file on Windows Azure Storage
HDInsight: Hadoop command line
Hadoop commands can be useful to manage Windows Azure blob storage with HDInsight cluster. This "In A Jiffy" post outlines where to execute these commands.
In this "Power BI In A Jiffy" post, we take a look at Featured Reports section recently added to the Power BI site.