Boost Your Analytics with Machine Learning for SQL Nerds slide deck and other pointers for DBAs on performance (setup + improvement)
#SQLUnplugged is back; meet SQL Engineering team! (and I'm hosting!!! YEAH!)
Iris Plot in Report Builder
Installing Packages in SQL Server R Services is super easy. This blog post covers some basics on what to do especially when you're just starting out.
Azure SQL Database Q & A with SQL Community in Madison, WI and Redmond, WA. More news on the new (updated) "Performance" tools for Azure SQL Database.
After creating XEvent sessions on Azure SQL Database, how do you find out target properties of these sessions? There are 2 easy ways - using SSMS User Interface or programmatically using T-SQL.
A quick and easy way to move your Azure SQL Database to another subscription.
A good portion of Oregon SQL Server community is checking out Azure SQL Database. Read what kind of questions they ask and what you can learn from these questions.
My Azure SQL DB Monitoring and Performance Tuning slide deck from Oregon SQL Server User Group is available here.
Extended Events (XEvents) feature for Azure SQL Database (SQL DB) has just been released in Public […]