Australia Broadband Guarantee in NSW
An early review of the new Power View map feature in Excel 2013 Preview.
SSIS Reporting Pack - Executions
High level review of SSIS Reporting Pack created by Jamie Thomson. A great companion to SSIS developers and administrators.
My last two articles on SSIS have been related to bugs. That’s not because I am […]
An example of Partition Design in Hybrid Mode
This is Part 2 of the Hybrid Mode in Tabular BI Semantic Model series, where we will learn more about the design tips, a few factors to consider on Hybrid mode implementation and a summarised advantages and limitations of Hybrid Mode.
SSMS Integration Services Project Versions Dialog Box
Package parameter that is to be mapped to an environment variable should be use with caution. Deleting an environment variable that is mapped to a previous deployed version and running the properly mapped parameter of a new version will cause an unexpected error.
SSAS_Tabular_Hybrid Mode_Query Flow
Basic walk-through of Hybrid Mode in SSAS Tabular. Tabular databases with Hybrid mode are designed in DirectQuery, but published with either of the two available hybrid Query Modes.
Performing "Process Full" on the Tabular Model database would incorrectly show "Process Recalc" instead via SQL Server Management Studio.
Three ways of determining SQL Server 2012 Evaluation Period Expiry Date
SSISDB.catalog.get_any_parameter_values is an alternative to SSISDB.catalog.get_parameter_values to get all Project and Package parameter values.
Julie Koesmarno's first SQL Rally experience in Dallas